TITLE: Friction
AUTHOR: McCoySpockLove
SUMMARY: Spock & McCoy are trapped in the ice age on Sarpeidon, this time without Zarabeth
FEEDBACK: Any and all. This is the first slash story I’ve ever written. It’s very sentimental.
BETA: Thank you to both Ellen and Ster Julie for the beta over many months All mistakes are my own.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Originally published in the online 'Zine: Spiced Peaches XIII, a themed edition (“Bad Luck“), published by Tempest Coyote.
ARCHIVED: Spiced Peaches and The Spock/McCoyote's Den, ASCEM-L and it's companion sites, this site. All others please ask.
Spock and McCoy had experienced their share of challenges during their five year mission on the Enterprise, and getting trapped in an ice storm was just the sort of bad luck that always seemed to befall the Vulcan and the good Doctor. They had been at the mercy of brutal winds and snow ever since the two stepped through the time portal on Sarpeidon. Finding shelter was their main objective, and so they trudged forward in the blinding snow. Rounding a corner of a rock cliff, McCoy fell, unable to go on.
“Leave me, Spock. Save yourself!” McCoy cried.
“We go together!” shouted Spock over the wind.
“Don’t be a fool you stubborn Vulcan! Go!”
“No, I will not leave you!” The Vulcan half carried McCoy until he himself could go no further.
Almost by instinct, Spock desperately began to dig in the snow. He knew their only chance for survival at this point was to get out of the harsh and bitter wind blowing brutally cold against them. Murmuring to himself, “Dig, dig,” to keep from passing out, Spock continued to dig, unaware of how raw and bloodied his hands were becoming.
When Spock was finally satisfied that he had dug a large enough space to shelter them he turned to McCoy and, reaching under his arms, pulled the doctor into the snow cave. One last task was at hand. Spock had to close off the entrance as best he could by packing the snow up into a mound at the entrance. Once finished, the Vulcan fell onto his back in complete exhaustion. Moments later, he became aware that McCoy was shivering horribly. Spock found the doctor’s audible whimpers disturbing. Quickly analyzing the situation, Spock dragged himself the few feet to where McCoy lay, and with the little strength he had left, gently laid himself on top of the doctor to try and keep him warm and to calm him. There was little else he could do, since they had no medical supplies on hand. As Spock lay on McCoy, he noted that the doctor’s shivering was lessening considerably. Spock relaxed as best he could. He was so completely exhausted that he did not realize when he drifted off to sleep, resting his head on his own forearm, beside McCoy’s head.
Sometime later, McCoy awoke, looking up at the low ceiling of the snow cave. Disoriented, he had the thought that he had been buried alive but quickly realized there was a definite air pocket above him and beside him, and that Spock was sprawled on top of him. He put his right hand on the Vulcan’s back. He could feel Spock’s heartbeat and noticed that his breathing was slightly labored. McCoy tried to shift his weight underneath Spock because his leg was cramping, and in so doing, his groin made contact with Spock’s, bringing a slight smile to the doctor from the pleasurable sensation.
“Spock” McCoy said softly, trying to wake the Vulcan. He still had his hand on Spock’s back. He turned his head toward Spock’s head, this time saying into his ear, “Spock.” Startled awake, Spock jerked his head up.
“Easy there…” McCoy said. Trying to focus, but saying nothing, Spock looked down at McCoy.
“You okay?”
Spock remained silent.
“I see you found a way to get us out of the cold - AND to keep us warm.” McCoy rubbed his hand up and down Spock’s back and smiled. At that instance, Spock suddenly realized he was hard against McCoy, and he bolted up, as if burned by fire.
“Whoa!” McCoy sat half way up and grabbed Spock’s arm. “Now just WHERE are you going? You can’t go out there! Listen.”
Spock turned his head towards the entrance to the snow cave, where he had closed it off , except for the air hole. In the silence of the cave, he could hear the wind fiercely blowing outside, and he sat back down beside McCoy, crossing his arms and placing his hands underneath them.
McCoy noticed dried blood on the Vulcan’s hands.
“Spock, let me see your hands.”
“No need to trouble yourself, Doctor. The state of my hands is unimportant at the moment.”
“SPOCK! Let me be the judge of that…..please.”
Spock sighed. “Very well.” He pulled his hands out from under his own arms and dropped them down on his lap. McCoy took one of the Vulcan’s hands, turning it over gently to examine it. He did the same with the other hand.
“Spock, your hands are really bad. You’ve got frost bite. You’ve been bleeding.” McCoy looked at Spock, and then it dawned on him. “You dug this snow cave with your bare hands, didn’t you.” Spock just looked up at McCoy, saying nothing. McCoy pulled his blue tunic off, leaving a black t-shirt.
“What is your purpose for removing your uniform?”
“I’m going to wrap your hands, Spock.”
“Doctor, you need every bit of clothing to stay warm.” McCoy tore his tunic in half, making two strips of the material, and moved closer to Spock, reaching for one of his hands.
“Doctor….I assure you…”
“Now you listen to me you green blooded…..”
Spock raised his eyebrow, and McCoy stopped himself, his initial anger turning to concern.
“Spock, I’m telling you that your hands are really bad. I think you might have an infection. I‘m going to wrap them, and maybe, just maybe, we can save your hands. Okay?”
“As you wish.” McCoy wrapped each hand as gently as he could. He could tell that the Vulcan was in a lot of pain. Spock seemed uncomfortable with McCoy touching his hands, and the doctor was also very aware of the tension in Spock’s groin. He could see the stiffness, as he lay Spock’s hands back on Spock’s lap.
The aching in Spock’s groin wasn’t going away, and he shifted uncomfortably.
“Spock….” McCoy’s voice was gentle. “It’s just a normal physiological response. It’s damn cold in here! It doesn’t have to mean anything.” Spock shifted again, looking embarrassed.
“You just need a release, Spock,” McCoy said very gently. Spock, who had been silent, turned his head, looked at McCoy, and raised his eyebrow at the doctor.
“Your professional observation, Doctor?”
Both men had begun to shiver again.
“Look, Spock…. You found a way to keep us both alive with this snow cave, but it‘s not exactly warm in here. I know that if we don‘t stay - together - for warmth, we‘re going to die from hypothermia.”
“Okay then. Get your Vulcan self back over here. I‘m freezing!”
Spock hesitated, but then complied, laying down beside the Doctor, and McCoy in turn pulled Spock onto himself, wrapping his arms around Spock’s back. McCoy could still feel Spock’s hardness against him, making his own body react., and he patted the Vulcan on the back.
“Spock…. Just let go.”
“I cannot!”
“Yes you can. Nobody else is here Spock. Trust me.”
Spock shifted uncomfortably again, still struggling, trying to maintain his control.
“Spock,” McCoy almost whispered. “It’s okay….you don’t have to suffer so…” McCoy began to rub Spock’s back.
Soon, they began moving together, hips pressing ever so slowly, timidly, the pleasure building. McCoy felt tenderness and vulnerability coming from Spock, and he wanted to freeze the moment in his mind. Spock was not just responding to a physical need. He was responding emotionally to the Doctor. Leonard could feel it, and he wondered if that is why Spock had so tried to avoid this, because it DID mean something more to him than just a physical release. Spock reached up to caress McCoy’s head, stroking his hair with his injured hand. The pleasurable sensations that flowed between them comforted them both. Their breathing became more labored, and McCoy felt himself near the edge. With one more gentle stroke of his head from Spock, McCoy climaxed quickly, gasping at the overwhelming feeling of pleasure penetrating through his belly, and the undeniable feelings of love he sensed from Spock‘s touch. After several minutes of calming down, McCoy whispered, “That was nice….”
He could feel Spock fighting it, hitting his fist into the ground.
“Just let go, Spock…..relax.” McCoy moved his own hips against Spock’s and stroked his back. When he reached up and touched Spock’s ear, Spock climaxed hard from such a long build up, crying out almost involuntarily. McCoy wrapped his arms around the shaking Vulcan.
“That’s it. That wasn’t so bad now was it?” Spock was still breathing hard, trying to come down from the virtual ceiling he had been propelled up to.
Eventually, Spock’s breathing slowed to normal, and he rolled to the side, off of McCoy, saying nothing. McCoy pulled Spock closer. He spooned behind Spock, arms wrapped around Spock from behind, the back of Spock’s head on his chest. Several minutes passed, in the quiet embrace.
“Spock……there was more to that than just a little friction between us.” McCoy paused before proceeding. “Why didn’t you ever tell me how you felt about me?” he quietly asked.
“I’ve spent a whole lifetime learning to hide my feelings, deny my feelings.”
“I know that…but Spock, your feelings are just as much a part of you as your logic. I wish you could learn to embrace them.” McCoy emphasized his words by tightening his embrace around the Vulcan.
“Of course you do, and you always reminded me of it.”
McCoy sighed, and put his hand on Spock’s head. Spock responded by putting his hand on one of McCoy’s forearms.
“But why me, Spock? I‘m just an old country doctor.”
“I’ve always been fascinated with your over emotionalism and illogic.”
“Gee thanks, Spock.”
“….but mostly…..”
There was a long pause before the Vulcan continued, as if he was weighing his words very carefully.
“You are a good man, Leonard.” Spock paused. “ A very good man.”
McCoy didn’t know what to say. For a moment, he just froze in silence, tears beginning to well up in his eyes. He was completely touched by the words from the Vulcan’s mouth. He lay his chin on top of Spock’s head, caressing Spock’s head with his hand. “Oh Spock, what are we gonna do about us when we get out of here? IF we get outa here?”
“I do not know….” Spock trailed off. “Provided we survive this…..We have our duty.”
“I can’t just forget what happened here, Spock. Maybe you can, but I can’t.”
“Leonard…..how could you ever think that I could forget you? You remain in my heart.”
McCoy closed his eyes and held Spock closer, cuddling him. Despite all the disagreements, the sparring, the angry reactions, the friendly needling - McCoy knew that he loved the Vulcan.
Weary from the cold, the two drifted off to sleep.
Several hours passed, and when McCoy awoke, Spock was beside him but no longer wrapped in his arms. Their sleep had been restless, and McCoy was shivering again. He turned his head to look at Spock, and put his hand on Spock’s back.
“You alright Spock?” Spock did not respond. “Spock?”
The Vulcan felt weak, but he managed to roll over and face McCoy, who gently smiled.
“You’ve got snow in your hair.” Reaching his hand out, he began to lightly brush the flakes out of Spock’s hair. As blue eyes met brown, the Doctor slowed the brushes of his fingers and let his hand linger in a caress of Spock’s head. Their faces were very close. The most tender feeling welled up inside Leonard, and leaning his head forward, he pressed his lips very softly against Spock’s. When he felt Spock respond by gently pressing back, McCoy let out a quiet sigh of joy. More sweet, soft, gentle kisses were shared. As they parted lips to look at each other again, Spock reached out his hand, but as he tried to touch McCoy’s face, the make-shift bandage around his hand restricted him.
“Leonard, untie these.”
Concern filled McCoy’s eyes. “That’s not a good idea Spock.”
“Please.” Spock said it almost in a whisper. It was almost like Spock was pleading with him, but it was an indication to Leonard that Spock wanted to touch him, to be with him in this most desperate situation.
McCoy took Spock’s hands and freed them from the wrappings. They began to share affectionate touches. Hugging, caressing, holding, teasing each other‘s ears, kissing. Spock lowered his head to rest in the crook of McCoy’s neck.. Wrapping his arms around Spock, the Doctor was amazed at how vulnerable Spock was being with him. Minutes later, Spock sat up.
“What is it, Spock?” McCoy asked softly.
Spock looked down at the doctor, hesitating. He wasn’t sure how to process the feelings that were inside him, and he could not deny them.
Spock extended his index finger and middle finger. McCoy recognized the gesture immediately. Sarek and Amanda had touched fingers in this manner. McCoy didn’t know quite how to react to this. Was Spock wanting to join with him? Tentatively, McCoy raised his hand and extended the two fingers, and touched them to Spock’s. A wave of complete love penetrated every nerve of his body, and he softly gasped at the sensations, closing his eyes and laying back. As Leonard felt the pleasure reach the core of his being, Spock suddenly pulled his fingers away.
“Spock?” McCoy said, almost pleading.
Before he could even completely open his eyes to look up, Spock had moved his hand down, unzipped Leonard’s fly, and with his own index finger and middle finger, he began to gently stroke McCoy’s genitals very tenderly, up and down, with just those two fingers, nothing more, sending once again that same wave of feeling through McCoy, just like when Spock touched his fingers, only this time, the feeling was even more pleasurable since he was so sensitive there. This went on for several minutes. Groaning and moving beneath the gentle stroking, McCoy was becoming overwhelmed by intense physical and mental pleasure.
“What are you doing to me…God…”
“I am a touch telepath, Leonard. So when I touch you, I not only touch your body, but I touch your soul. That is why it is so pleasurable to you.” McCoy heard himself moan from Spock’s pleasurable touch, as it radiated through his heart, soul, and body, again penetrating every nerve ending he thought he had. Spock never changed the soft rhythm of his stroking with just his two fingers, and he didn’t have to. The good Doctor climaxed shortly after the stroking began, and Spock cupped his hand over Leonard’s groin, holding him protectively until the Doctor calmed down.
“Oh my God.” McCoy continued to moan, the pleasurable feelings lingering beneath Spock’s gentle hand.
“Are you alright, Leonard?” Spock asked, still holding his hand to the doctor’s groin.
“Nobody’s ever made love to me like that before.”
“Then you are pleased?”
McCoy chuckled. “Are you kidding? That was the best damn feeling I‘ve ever felt in my life.”
“You’re pleasure is mine, Leonard.”
McCoy opened his eyes, looked at Spock, and whispered, “I love you.”
“I know.”
“You green blooded smart ass!”
Spock raised his eyebrow. McCoy smiled at him, with a long and lingering gaze.
“You’re hand is so warm.”
Spock’s hand still covered the Doctor’s groin, gentling him, comforting him. McCoy reached down and put his hand on top of Spock’s. He simply adored Spock’s touch, and it was far more profound than just physical pleasure. He was truly touched by the caring in Spock’s heart, and his eyes became misty.
“Com’ere” Leonard whispered.
Spock lowered himself face down into McCoy’s embrace, and the two held each other for several minutes. Leonard caressed Spock’s head, stroking his hair. His fingertips found the tip of Spock’s ear, causing the Vulcan to quietly moan from the contact and slightly pull away from the ticklish sensations.
Leonard turned his head and whispered, “I always loved your ears.”
“Really Doctor. Your constant teasing regarding my ears would indicate otherwise.”
“Oh yea?” McCoy laughed softly.
In his most sensual voice, he said, “You pointed eared hob goblin.”
Leonard kissed Spock’s ear.
“You overgrown elf.”
Leonard kissed Spock’s ear again.
“My logical green blooded Vulcan.”
When he kissed Spock’s ear for the third time, the Vulcan felt his emotions well up so strongly for Leonard that he turned his head and passionately kissed the Doctor, surprising the hell out of Len.
“Leonard!” Spock gasped, in between the passionate kisses. Trying to regain some control, Spock ceased the kissing and pressed his forehead against the Doctor’s forehead, breathing heavily. Leonard placed both of his hands on either side of Spock’s face, trying to calm him. When Spock’s breathing slowed, he once again lowered himself down into McCoy’s embrace.
“Spock, we’re in one of the worst possible situations we could be in, but I feel happier than I’ve ever felt.”
McCoy turned his head and kissed the Vulcan’s cheek. Spock sighed quietly, and both closed their eyes, savoring the moment. A few minutes passed in the quiet stillness.
“Yes Leonard.”
“I hear nothing.”
“I do not understand.”
“Spock! The blizzard stopped.”
Spock rose, cocked his head, and turned his ear to the front of the snow cave.
“You are correct, Doctor.”
“Do you think we could find the portal?”
“We’ve got to try, Spock.”
McCoy released Spock from his embrace, and the Vulcan moved to the front of the cave, reaching out his hands.
“Oh no you don’t! You’re not doing THAT again!” McCoy scrambled to the front of the cave.
“What Doctor?”
“Digging in the snow!” McCoy paused for a moment, looked down, then zipped his pants. “I have PERSONAL reasons why I wouldn’t want you to lose your hands from frostbite!”
“Why Doctor, I do believe you are blushing.”
McCoy rolled his eyes. “You’re never going to let me live this down are you?”
There was just the slightest hint of a smile on Spock’s lips, and McCoy had the immediate urge to kiss him. They stared at each other for several moments, McCoy lost in wandering thoughts about how good Spock had made him feel during this terrible ordeal.
“What do you propose we do” Spock said, bringing McCoy’s focus back to the present.
“I’LL dig us out!”
“Then the same fate would befall your hands Doctor.”
“Damn it, Spock!” McCoy fumed.
The Doctor turned and picked up the bandages he had removed from Spock’s hands. He quickly wrapped them around his own hands.
McCoy glared at Spock. “It’s the only logical thing to do!” Spock let out a barely audible sigh as he raised his eyebrow.
McCoy was exhausted by the time he dug them out of the snow cave. Without food and water, both men were weak. Blinded by the sunlight, they emerged from the shelter. Pausing only long enough to let their eyes adjust, they walked a short distance before coming upon the base of an ice cliff. McCoy stopped a short distance away to rest, while Spock reached the cliff. Feeling the face of the rock, he tried to find the portal.
“Anything?” the Doctor called.
Then, very faintly, a voice cried out, “Bones, Spock!”
“Did you hear that? It sounded like Jim!”
Spock called out, “Captain?”
“Spock! Thank God! I’ve been through so many discs in this damn library, I didn’t think I was ever going to find you.! Is Bones with you?”
“Affirmative, Captain.” Spock turned to look back at McCoy, and as he did so, McCoy fell to his knees in the snow, saying, “Oh my God….”
Alarmed, Spock rushed to the Doctor, and went down on his knees in front of him, putting his hand on his companion‘s arm.
“Leonard, are you alright?”
A look of disbelief and relief was on the Doctor’s face as he quietly said,
“I thought we were dead.”
“Illogical since we are obviously still breathing.”
“You know what I mean you pointed eared Vulcan!”
Again, there was just the slightest hint of a smile on Spock’s lips.
“Indeed I do Doctor.”
McCoy, his irritation dissipating, followed through this time on his urge and gently pulled the Vulcan close and kissed him very gently, lovingly, and Spock reciprocated just as gently.
“Bones, Spock! Hurry through the portal. Time is running out!” Kirk called from the other side.
They parted lips.
“We’re damn lucky Jim found the right disc.”
“Fortuitous, Doctor. Shall we go?”
“Damn straight! Let’s get out of here.”
Spock helped McCoy to the portal.
“Oh and Doctor, regarding your statement earlier that I will never let you ‘live this down’…. You are correct. I will never let you forget it.” Blushing, McCoy looked at Spock, but before he could reply, Spock took McCoy’s hand, and they stepped through the portal.
They had been damn lucky to have found each other.
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