The Runes part 7
AUTHOR: T'Prillah
"Doctor McCoy?"
I glanced up from my monitor. Nurse Chapel was here in my office, pestering me again. "Yes?" I demanded. "What do you want?"
"Doctor, you've been in here all day."
"No kidding." In a huff I snapped off the monitor. "Nurse, do I have any patients needing treatment?"
"Well... no."
"Do I have any pressing duties that I may have... somehow...forgotten about?"
"No sir. I figured you might want to have something to eat or some coffee at least. Would you like me to bring you some coffee?"
"Listen," I said tightly. "If I would have wanted some coffee, I would have gotten up and gotten myself some. Now wouldn't I."
"Well, Doctor, I just thought--"
I stood up. "Let me tell you something... Miss Chapel. Do you know what your problem is? I didn't think so. Your problem is... you think too much. Now go back over to what you were doing before and leave me the hell alone."
I exhaled. "Yes?"
"Are you alright?"
"I would be even better if you left me alone. Do you think you can manage that? Nurse Chapel?"
She looked at me, puzzled for a long moment, then finally replied. "Yes sir."
"Then do what I ask of you and go!"
She just stood there.
I'd of thought I'd made it perfectly clear to her. Why didn't she leave? I took a step toward her. Did she need convincing?
She must of caught an odd look in my eyes because she stumbled back and finally left.
I rubbed my burning eyes.
What the hell was getting into me? To talk to my staff like that?
I poured myself a glass of Saurian Brandy and with a shaky hand I drank it down.
I entered Spock's quarters at exactly 20:23. Time for the fourteenth Rune. Only two more to complete and we were done. Finally.
I glared daggers at him. My wonderful bondmate. It still made me angry just to think about it. I wanted to have a life after this Rune business was over with. Not a life permanently connected to him.
"You did not wish to stop by my quarters sooner?" Spock asked. I couldn't tell if he was genuinely concerned about me or if he was just being a smart-ass. Actually, yes, I could tell. He was genuine enough. "You have been off duty for quite some--"
"It's none your damn business where I was, Mister Spock," I snapped. I didn't care if he was genuine or not. I'd had it with him. "We're almost through. And it won't be too soon for me."
"Acknowledged, Doctor," he said stiffly.
I could feel the waves of hurt coming off of him. Without even touching him I could feel his emotions. It now worked both ways. However, right now. I didn't care. I wonder if he could sense that. Can you sense that, Vulcan?
"Leonard," he attempted, with widening eyes. "We did not finish our conversation from this morning. I had not--"
"Save it," I snapped. I picked up the velvet bag and shook it. "Let's get this one over with."
"Leonard," he sighed. "If you will let me finish--"
I stopped him with a look. I was ready to punch him. Just one more word out of him. "Are you deaf? Well then, let me tell you again, Mister Spock. Let's get this nonsense over and done with!"
"You are irrational," he said.
That was it. I tossed the bag of runes onto the desk. I rushed forward, pushed him into the bulkhead and got inches away from his face. I was seething. However, I noticed that he didn't resist me or my temper one iota. I knew he could probably pull my arms off if provoked.
Maybe it would be better if he did kill me.
"You bet I'm irrational!" I hissed. "And what about you? Is what you did to me, rational?"
"You must calm down," he said. "For both of our sakes."
"I don't give a rat's ass--"
"Leonard calm down--"
"So help me Spock!" I shouted. "If you--"
He placed his arms on my shoulders. "Leonard. I realize that you are angry. Let me explain what I must to you."
With great effort, I calmed down. Or at least gave some semblance of calm. "Okay, I'm calm! Happy? Now, what are you trying to tell me?" I demanded.
"Our bonding is not permanent--" he began.
"You're just saying that so I'll shut up--"
"Listen to me, Leonard," he said, quickly. "Our bonding is only a temporary one. An accidental bonding of this type, is never permanent."
"How the fuck do you know?" I rasped.
"I know. me."
I studied him for a long while, then finally, haltingly found my voice. "Are... you...sure?"
"Yes, I am positive."
"It will dissipate once we… cease to be intimate. Since we have only two Runes left to complete, you shall not have to tolerate this for much longer. I have been attempting to tell you. All day."
I finally nodded. "You're right. I could feel you. You tried to tell me after I left you…you tried to, in my mind, and I've been pushing you away…"
"Yes. You have."
"Oh… Spock!" I broke into hysterical laughter. "We're not trapped with each other after all!" Intense relief washed over me.
Then, my laughter disintegrated into uncontrollable sobs. He pulled me into his arms and held me tightly as the sobs continued to pour out of me. This bizarre crying fit was getting more and more intense. I needed to control it but I couldn't.
"Thy'la, " he murmured as he caressed my hair. His voice sounded pained to my ears, matching what I felt. "I did not realize this would happen. I should have, but as I have indicated, I have not been thinking clearly--"
"I could feel you," I gasped in between sobs. "In my mind. You've been trying…you've…you've been…I could feel you… holding me…comforting me… in my mind…all day."
"I am sorry, Leonard."
"Do you know how wonderful that feeling, was? It was wonderful--but at the same time--terrifying."
He held me tighter. "I know. I am sorry."
"...Are you...absolutely sure this condition is only temporary... Spock?"
He nodded as he continued to comfort me.
I finally pulled out of his grasp. I sucked in my breath...trying desperately to control myself. Not succeeding very well.
"I realize that this will continue to be a terrible invasion of privacy for you."
I nodded, picked up the bag and handed it to him and managed a: "Come on, let's get this over with." My voice cracked on the last word. The tears were still falling. It was terribly embarrassing.
He reached out to dry my tears as I attempted a chuckle. "I'm not usually this much of a crybaby."
"It is the Runes. As I have already told you, It has affected me in a similar manner."
"Yeah, but at least you're not having constant crying fits, screaming fits nor horrible bouts of paranoia, like I am." I dried my face with my arm.
"Empty conference rooms have come in handy for such occasions." I met his eyes and smiled.
He shook the bag, then opened it as I chose one.
"It is another blank rune," he noted.
I turned away. "Not again, Spock. This whole time it's--"
"The activity is your choice," he said. "But it has to be something new."
I sighed and thought for a moment. Fine. What a game, huh? What could we possibly do sex-wise that we hadn't tried before? We'd done it in his bed, my bed, on the deck in both quarters, in the shower, on his desk, on my desk, used different positions, fooled around in the observation deck, done it with a peach and with a tribble. Hell we'd have probably done it in the Captain's chair had nobody been around. There had to be something else we could try. Bondage? No....
A splash. My mind suddenly snapped to when I used to go skinny-dipping in Conyers back when I was a teen. Now, those were the days.
"Skinny-dipping," I blurted out. "We'll go skinny-dipping!"
"There is sexual contact involved in that activity?"
"Yeah...there can be. Look we're not really spoiled for choice. It'll be fun! Spock…you can swim, right?"
He nodded. "Ordinarily, most Vulcans cannot. However, my mother felt strongly that such as skill was important. She taught me how in Georgia."
I was strangely comforted by that. "You learned how to swim in Conyers?"
"I did," he said. "In a hot spring."
He grabbed my hand, and suddenly, I saw a memory that wasn't mine. I chuckled as the images flashed before me. It looked very familiar, that hot spring. Perhaps he'd learned how to swim in the same one I used to go skinny dipping in. Wouldn't that be something. It might even be a good laugh to take him back to Conyers with me and go skinny dipping, the next time we got a leave on're not taking him to Conyers with you. Hell this sleeping together thing will be over soon. Soon...
"We could create something adequate in the holodeck," he was suggesting.
"Oh no. I'm not going into the holodeck with you."
"Why not?"
"Because... There's no telling what might happen with a holodeck program…forget it." I knew I was being unduly paranoid again. But I didn't care. However, I knew the computer did monitor everything that happened in there, and I didn't want to chance it keeping a record of me having sex with Spock.
"The swimming pool," he suggested. "However it is after hours. The pool is closed."
"Not to the CMO, it isn't."
We promptly left his quarters, walked down the corridor, matching strides, then very calmly stepped into the lift.
As soon as the doors shut us in, I pushed up against him.
"Are you certain that you are alright?" he asked.
I nodded.
After regarding me for a while with those deep brown eyes, he suddenly held out two fingers in what appeared to be a ritualistic greeting. I looked at him blankly, then caught on and met those two fingers with my own. In spite of everything that was happening, I felt a glow of wellbeing.
The door to the pool was locked as we expected it would be. I waved my hand in front of the sensor and very obligingly, there was a blip and they opened. I grinned with satisfaction, then for some reason I felt a stab of guilt. As a CMO I did have every right to be here, whenever the hell I wanted to. However, it was knowing what I would be doing while I was here that made me feel a little dirty.
As I snuck a mischievous look over at Spock, I felt like we were two teenagers sneaking around. Gods it's been years since I've even done anything remotely like that...I remember the first time... with…what was her name…Eris…something like that.--
"Leonard," he said. "Swimming in the nude with a female at the age of thirteen is rather young for a human, is it not?"
"Spock, stay out of my memories," I snapped.
"My apologies…however you were broadcasting very loudly."
"It's the association," I said sheepishly. I barked out an order to the computer to turn up the heat in the water; to something my Vulcan companion would find at least tolerable.
It had been a long time since I'd been here in the large swimming pool, located here next to the ship's gym in the bottom section of the ship. Been a damned long time. I pulled two towels from the rack and dumped them onto the deck. Standing at the edge, I eagerly pulled my uniform off. I heard the computer's faint voice announcing:
"Swimming costumes are available in the cubicles...located at--"
"Computer, shut up!" I yelled out.
Spock stood with me, looking down at the water. I could feel some uncertainness coming off him. It didn't look like he'd ever been in here. I stood nude before him, grinning. "Are you coming in?"
"Eventually." He eyed me warily.
I shrugged and walked over to the deep end. I took a running jump from the diving board and dove in, not before showing off by doing a back flip before hitting the water. Swimming up to the surface and laughing, I yelled over at Spock: "Gods...I haven't done this in years!"
I watched him as he slowly removed his clothes. I submerged and swam over to the other side. God this felt so good.
Resurfacing at the other end, I called out: "Come on, it should be warm enough for you now."
He very delicately slid into the water.
For a long while we both swam, and almost...dare I say it... played. Played! It was delightful and very relaxing being in this extrememely heated water. The more I swam with Spock, the more I felt that I was experiencing the real him. However, the longer I was in, the more homesick I was also getting. Finally the hour grew late. We needed to do what we came here for.
I sank underneath the surface, inched over to where he was and took his cock into my mouth. He enjoyed that, I could definitely feel that from him. But I could only last under the water for about 30 seconds.
I broke the surface, gasping. "Sit here, on the ledge," I commanded, breathlessly.
He did so, and as he sat up there, and I held on with one hand to the side of the pool, I once again took him into my mouth. I did what I knew felt good to me, what I now knew felt good to him. I could hear him murmur my name, interspersed with "yes...ohhh...yes..."
"Hmmmm," I purred, causing an even louder groan from him. I could listen to that baritone voice make little noises like that for hours. I carried on with whatever I'd learned from every prostitute this side of Wrigley's Pleasure Planet, moving up and down, till he was losing control and thrusting into me. It culminated with him coming deeply down my throat.
But I wasn't finished. I released his softening cock, grabbed his thighs and pulled him down again, into the water and gently bent him over. Oh... to have him, to feel him around me in this amniotic water...I ran my teeth down his neck to his shoulder as I slid a finger into an unresisting rectum. He was already ready for me. I centered my cock and slid all the way in. It didn't take me long to climax, hard, nearly keeling over with the release.
Afterwards, we showered and sauntered back to his quarters.
I was beat after all that activity. Without a word I pulled my uniform off, went and brushed my teeth and climbed into his bunk. Two minutes later he joined me, pulling my head to rest on his chest.
I slowly traced a line into his sternum, trying to spot his nipples covered with all that black hair in this low light. "Spock."
"Yes?" he whispered.
With a voice that was a little softer, higher than usual, I said: "What's going to happen-- after we're done with the Runes, I mean-- things just go back to normal, right?"
"The curse shall be ended."
I continued tracing a circle into the hair. "I know that. I meant...all of this between us...I mean...what's going to happen to 'us'?"
He sighed. I could feel his chest rise and fall with each breath.
I kept up the questions. "This bond. When does it go away, and how do we end it?"
"After the last Rune, we must cease physical contact for the bond to dissipate."
"Affirmative. In order for the bond to dissolve we cannot touch each other, no matter how casually, or how briefly," he replied. I could swear I could detect a faint hint of...regret coming from him. Regret? Perhaps I felt that...too.
"You mean I can't even touch your arm. For how long?"
"For a few weeks."
"Spock," I said. "I'm your physician, how am I going to completely refrain from touching you? What if something happens in the meantime?"
"As you are fond of saying...we shall cross that bridge when we come to it."
I was too tired to argue. "Well, until then," I said, sleepily. "Goodnight my.... T'hy'la."
He held up his two fingers in response. I hesitated then matched them with my own. He started running them down the length of my hand, down to my wrist and back up again.
"Feels good," I muttered. "All you have to do is that...feels so good..."
"That is entirely the point," he whispered.
The door chime buzzed loudly in the dark. I sat up, gasping...reaching over for Spock, but he was gone.
The buzzer sounded again. I quickly slipped on Spock's robe, turned up the lights and called out "come".
It was the captain.
"Oh, hi Jim," I muttered. "I was...about to get ready for my shift. How about we meet in ten minutes for breakfast?"
He came over to the desk. "Bones, sit down. I want to talk to you."
I followed him over and sat down across from him. "I'm sure you do, Jim."
"Got any more brandy, Bones?"
I raised an eyebrow. "Brandy? At 05:00 Jim? Isn't that a little early for the booze?"
"Go ahead. I insist," he smiled. I threw him a puzzled glance and noticed that the smile hadn't reached his eyes.
I finally pulled the bottle out from behind me. "It's the same bottle you dropped by here before," I said.
"You didn't finish it."
"Should I have?" I wondered. I fetched two glasses and poured brandy in each. He watched me as I held my glass to my lips and took a long sip.
"Bones, I got another complaint about you."
I sighed. "Oh yeah… that. Look Jim. I don't know what's gotten into me. First thing I'm gonna do when I get to sickbay this morning, I'm going to apologize to Christine."
"You know, Bones," he said. "She's not the one you should be angry with."
"Yeah, yeah, Jim. I know. I know," I smiled sheepishly. I'm sorry about that--Wait a minute. Who should I be angry with?"
He looked at me. "Isn't it obvious?"
"Who... you?"
He chuckled. "Spock."
"Why should I be angry with Spock?"
He smiled at me for a very long time. A knowing smile. "He's lying to you."
"Drink your drink," he commanded. I downed the contents of the glass in a couple gulps. Then poured myself another glass full.
"Lying?" I narrowed my eyes. "Jim...what is Spock lying to me about?"
He smiled again. "Have some more brandy."
I did, totally forgetting that I had to start my shift in less than two hours.
I finished up the contents of the glass once again. Jim poured me another.
"Are you trying to get me drunk, Jim?" I chuckled. He gave me one of his 'who? little old me looks and didn't answer me. "Jim!" I demanded. "What is going on? What is Spock lying to me about?"
"You know."
I rolled my eyes. "Jim, I wouldn't be asking you if I did. Now, what is he lying to me about?"
He smiled at me again with that cat ate the canary smile, or more accurately a 'cat ate the tribble' smile. "Do you realize that you can't break the bond, ever? You're stuck with him, Bones. You're an idiot for falling for that trick."
"What?" I downed the contents of my glass again and poured myself another. "How did you know that Spock and I are bonded?"
"I know...everything," said Jim. "And... about those Runes you have..."
"You know about them too?" I asked shakily. "What about them? They're... not really... cursed?"
"No they're not. He made all of that up to seduce you."
"Seduce me?" I tilted my head. "Are you sure, Jim? Now why-- He wouldn't--he wouldn't do such a thing. Not Spock. He can't lie."
"He can lie just fine, Bones. Spock's in pon farr," Jim explained. "A Vulcan in pon farr will do and say just about get laid. Believe me, I should know. Why else do you think he was so eager to fuck you after you bought those Runes? He had to have sex or else he would have died. You're a weak target but you're not that easy. So he made up this whole story about those cursed Runes. You fell for it, hook, line and sinker, Bones." He smacked the side of his head with an open palm. "You certainly are gullible, my friend."
"How... do you know...all of this?"
"Spock told me about everything."
I looked at the figure standing there, incredulously. "He did?!"
"Of course. Late nights… just he and I keeping watch on the bridge. We discuss things... you understand."
I swallowed. Somebody was lying. Either Jim or Spock. Jim had no reason to lie. Did he? But if Spock was in pon farr, then it had to be Spock. I'd seen how he'd been before. "I knew it!" I gasped. "God damn it. I knew it!"
My eyes were burning once again.
I needed some more eyedrops. I stood up from the desk and walked over to the mirror. "Jim're absolutely certain that what you're telling me is actually the truth? You know what you're talking about. He and I are bonded; I can feel Spock's emotions. I should know if he was lying to me."
He snorted. "He can block his thoughts from you, you know. Just like you're doing right now, from him."
"I didn't know I was."
"Oh yes," Jim said. "You are."
How did Jim know that? Odd. But there were more important things to worry about right now. I picked up the bottle of eye drops and put them in my eyes.
Jim came up behind me, very close. I set the bottle down after I finished. The more I thought about it, perhaps Jim was telling me the truth. I leaned against the wardrobe and covered my face with my hands and said very softly: "That fucking bastard!"
"Yes," he said softly.
"How dare he?" I moaned. "I trusted him!"
Jim put his hands on my shoulders and massaged them. God that felt so good. His hands were so warm. I lolled my head back. I never knew he could do it so well. But I should have known. I never wanted him to stop touching me. "I feel bad for you, Leonard," he whispered. "I really, really do."
I felt like I couldn't control my emotions again. Everything...was failing me. "How could Spock do this to me?"
"He wants you for himself… forever," Jim said softly. "The next time pon farr rolls around. He'll use you again and again."
No no no..."What the hell am I'm going to do?"
Suddenly, Jim spun me around and pulled me closer into his arms. I found myself resting my head on his shoulder. Warm shoulder. Somehow, I didn't feel like resisting him like I had before. Maybe it was all the drink. Maybe I never realized how attractive Jim Kirk was. Warm hands. Those lovely hazel eyes. Almost as dark as Spock's...
Jim tilted my head up by the chin and gently met his lips to mine. I froze up in fear at first, then slowly...relaxed.
I opened my mouth up against his letting his tongue in to explore. I melted into him. He finally pulled his mouth away. "We don't need him, Leonard." He kissed me deeply again.
"We don't?," I protested into his mouth. No...I suddenly realized. We sure don't need him.
He kissed me again. He felt so warm, so wonderful. "Take me inside you," he said.
"Yesss," I hissed.
Grinning at my encouragement, Jim picked me up and carried me over to the bed. He laid me down very carefully then rolled on top of me, again covering my mouth with his. "Oh...yes..." I murmured. I was putty. We sure didn't need Spock...
"My Leonard..." he cooed at me.
Suddenly I froze underneath him. "Jim."
"Spock's on his way down here. He's come off duty."
"That's too bad," Jim said as he placed another kiss on my lips.
"If he finds you here--like this--"
"We need to do something about him," Jim said.
'Do something about him?' That didn't sound at all like Jim. But I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure about anything.
Maybe it was all the drink. "What do you mean?"
"You want to be free of him. Now. Don't you?"
"How?" I found myself asking.
"You can sever your bond only by killing him," Jim announced calmly. Then he threw his head back and laughed.
My heart pounded. This wasn't Jim. It couldn't be. Yet, here I was, listening to him. What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I move? "Are you kidding me? You've got to be kidding... Jim?"
"There is… no other alternative, Bones," he smiled. "Surely you should realize this."
I finally pushed Jim off of me and sat up. "Are you insane?!" I was coming to my senses. What the hell was going on?
" I'm quite sane. And Spock would agree with me. It is logical."
"No way!" I sputtered. "This is crazy...I'm not going to kill him... he's my friend... and...and... right now he's my lover And he's a fellow officer too, as you should realize… Captain. Also...I'd be court-martialed for murder. Hell, I'm not killing anybody for that matter--"
Jim laughed.
"Bones, Bones, Bones," he tutted at me as if I was an errant child. "I'm a starship captain. Nothing will happen to you. There are ways to cover it up. He'll die planet side. Or an accident...say in the shower. Or even better, suicide. Slit his own wrists with a knife. You're a physician. His death could be quick and painless and untraceable. Perfect."
"Exactly. I'm a physician. I will not kill anybody," I insisted, red faced.
"You killed your father," Jim said. "You ended his life. Don't you remember...Bones?"
I gasped. How did Jim know about my father? I'd never told him. How dare he bring up my father. My eyes stung as they began to water. But my anger came out in little more than a groan: "Jim...that was father was in pain..."
"You'd killed him right before they'd found a cure...hadn't you."
"A goddamned cure..." I moaned. "Why Jim, why did you have to bring him up?"
"You are in pain now. Look at you, Leonard. You are suffering. And it's all because of Spock."
"Jim...I don't want him to die. I just want him to sever the bond. He told me--" another sob was forming in my throat. "He told me... it was temporary. It isn't even that bad really. I mean, I kind of like having him in my mind. I'm not alone anymore--"
"You damned fool!"
"Jim...don't call me that. I'm not a--"
"You love him." Jim sounded disgusted with me. I didn't want Jim to be disgusted with me.
"Spock. You love him."
"Well... yeah... I guess so. We're... friends--"
"That's not what I mean. You're in love with him," Jim demanded.
"Answer me...Are you in love with Spock?"
"I don't--"
"You want to stay bonded to him," Jim insisted.
"No...Jim," I protested. "No."
"You act like you're in love with him."
"I...I don't....I don't know. But... kill Spock? I--"
"It's the only way you'll be free."
"He's getting closer!" I shouted.
"You know what to do, Bones."
He's getting closer. I opened my eyes to find myself laying alone on Spock's bunk. Spock was getting closer, I could feel him. I pulled on his robe and leapt up as the doors swooshed open. "Spock!" I gushed a little too exuberantly. He gave me a sort of half smile in greeting.
"Good Morning, Leonard."
"Morning," I said a little shakily. I glanced back at the bedchamber.
"Was someone here with you?" asked Spock, watching me.
"What…? No..." I said. "There's no one here."
"Are you alright?" He sat down next to me. "I am unable to feel you."
I looked at him sharply. "Feel me?"
"Your emotions." He sniffed the air. "Have you been drinking?"
"Drinking? No." In a swift move I pushed him down onto the bed and rolled on top of him.
"You are exceedingly aroused," he noted.
"I am." I continued my thrusting against his thigh.
"Exceedingly..." he said again reacting against me pushing hard against him. "Is this your typical morning erection?"
"Nope," I sneered.
"Leonard," he said from underneath me. "We have not chosen a Rune for today. Do you not wish to wait till this evening--"
"Shut up," I grunted and pulled off my--his robe and let him see just how aroused I was. I straddled him, inching my hips forward, up his body and slowly moved up to meet his mouth. He looked up into my eyes, questioning.
"Put me in your mouth Spock," I commanded as my breath quickened. To my delight he did exactly that. He lay there on the bunk in his blue uniform and sucked me off as I hovered over him.
Within seconds, I came into his mouth, down his throat. "Yes..." I grunted. "Take it all..."
I got up from him and walked into the shower. "Thanks..." I called back absently.
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