AUTHOR: T'Prillah
AUTHOR'S NOTE: A 25th Wave story. In response to the challenge: "Write a S/Mc that delves into the culture of one of the boys." Written in FIRST PERSON, McCoy's POV. Takes place about a month after Amok Time.
THANKS TO: Thank you to M. for the feedback and the suggestions. The Vulcan language and culture comes straight from the Vulcan Language Institute. Also, acknowledgements to "Spock's World", and "The Vulcan Academy Murders"
The Runes---PART 3
....oh my beloved prince.
I feel blissful, alive, shattered. Thee hast fully introduced me to the ways of lovemaking.
the stones have seen to that.
My prince is asleep next to me.
I notice a wayward hair on his beard, longer than the rest. I shall trim it for him so he does not have to worry. He must not worry about anything.
I am his ah'shasu.
It is an honor to look after him in every way.
I get the sharpest knife I can find...I hold it to his delicate, olive skinned neck, ready to trim his beard.
Suddenly I hear a shout.
the guard standing outside our bridal chamber....
he has witnessed this...
as he has also witnessed our lovemaking. It is the law.
...and he has witnessed this: "No!"
I feel his knife stab though my skin, deep into my body.
It pierces my lungs. I can feel it. I know.
My blood, bright red, flows from the cut.
My blood pools next to me,
my blood splatters,
on my prince... on the stone walls... on the ceiling.
I look up at the guard.
He keeps stabbing.
I jolted awake, breathing heavily. Glancing over, I noticed that Spock was still curled up next to me, asleep, breathing softly with his mouth slightly open. I smirked at the endearing sight. Whoever had originally said it was right. The act of sleeping was one of the most intimate things you can do with someone.
My bladder bursting; I got up and stumbled into the bathroom. We were supposed be leaving orbit around Berengaria in the morning, but I still had a couple more hours of my rest period left to worry about it. I used the toilet, got a glass of water, and went back to bed.
My prince awakens next to me in terror: "beloved!"
the guard freezes; realizes his was a misunderstanding...
he makes a decision...
...then.... stabs my prince, repeatedly.
My prince instantly falls dead. The passion in his eyes fades away.
His green coppery blood seeps profusely from seventy five sudden wounds.
it pools.. beloved...
I watch in fasination. Calm. The stones lay underneath us.
Soaking up our blood.
"Our blood mixes."
I lay my head back. I am ready to die as well.
I feel a knife being placed into my hand before I surrender to the darkness.
"Leonard…" A warm hand shook me awake.
"You are on duty in twenty minutes…you must wake up now. Or you shall be late for your shift."
I opened my eyes and stretched. "Mornin' Spock."
He handed me a cup of coffee and a plate of buttered toast. "Eat this," he insisted. "You have not been consuming enough food." He patted my shoulder and went off to take a shower. I stared into his wake. "Now, how the hell do you know?" I grunted as I bit into the toast. Ahhh. Slightly burnt…exactly how I like it.
As I sipped my coffee (that was perfect, too), I thought about the events of the past three days. The runes I'd picked so far were terribly mundane. I could find no good reason for doing what they ordered, except the obvious one: the curse.
One of the Runes I'd picked had commanded simply: 'ara'shara': Spock translated it as: 'To walk together in an area not normally frequented in silence'. "That's it?" I'd demanded of him. "Why?" What the hell was this supposed to mean? God, I hope he was translating this crap properly. Aparently this also was some damn Vulcan ritual having to do with companionship or something or other. If I didn't know him better, I would think he was pulling my leg.
The funny thing was, the Rune's commands seemed pretty ridiculous, but yet, we obeyed each one without complaint.
We wandered aimlessly together though all the corridors on every deck. Visiting areas we rarely went to. I knew Spock had never wandered 'aimlessly'--illogical probably-- and I never usually had the time. Now we had to.
Eventually after our meander through the ship, we entered the Aboretum, sat there on the bench, side by side among the flora and fauna. We gazed at the flowers Mr. Sulu, had created from cross-typing DNA from the species of the many different planets we'd visited; also many were his own inventions. To my surprise, I'd discovered that many of them were also created by Spock. Funny, isn't it. Well, I knew he grew Vulcan fruit in the hydroponics lab, but our supposedly tightly controlled, logical first officer just didn't seem like the type of guy to grow beautiful flowers. They looked like they'd been patiently tended to. And...I couldn't get over how stunningly beautiful they were, all big and opened up like that. The thought blew my mind. You think you know someone...
After sitting there for about an hour, we looked at each other, communicating soundlessly. We knew what we wanted to do. We went up to the observation deck to stare at the stars. I rarely went up there; Spock never had. We stayed there for a long while, just staring out into eternity.
All of this was done silently, just like the Rune had ordered.
At first this felt so akward, then as the evening wore on, it felt so right. It felt like we'd belonged there together on the Observation Deck. It felt like he'd always belonged by my side. Or was it: I belonged by his? I even grabbed his hand at one point. Well, I couldn't resist it; it felt like we were out on a goddamned date.
I noticed he didn't pull his hand away.
Afterwards, we calmly strolled back to Spock's quarters. I didn't feel like walking the extra distance back to my own, so I just decided to stay the night here. Well, it was late.
Then I slept here again the next night... after we read the next Rune.
Well, I was too tired to go back to my own quarters, all the way over there on deck nine.
Then the next night, the next Rune I chose, commanded: 'cquee'ut': which translated to (according to Spock) 'Ask a question one would not normally dare ask of each other'.
Spock had to be full of shit. Yet, we did it. We stayed in his quarters, ate dinner together, (though he was right, I had just picked at mine as I`d been doing lately) and I let him go first. I permitted him to 'ask me anything'. I should have known better than to do that. That damn Vulcan had the nerve to ask me why I had wore that ring on my pinky. The one I had lost down the drain.
I sighed and admitted (oh, what the hell), "It was a… my wedding ring."
"You are divorced," he observed, rather casually from my standpoint. "From what I understand to be a Terran dissolution of marriage. You have been divorced for fifteen years."
"That's true. You`ve been looking in my personal files."
"Negative. I read an interview you gave in the latest Starfleet magazine."
"Oh…they finally published that..." I cleared my throat, loudly and shifted in his chair awkwardly, I hadn't really wanted to discuss my personal life, not in that interview. But the woman was so attractive, so charming…I'd had a little too much to drink and there you go. I certainly didn't want to rehash it now. "Uh Spock," I began in my best 'I don't want to discuss it right now with you' voice. Hopefully he got the message.
He didn`t. He never did. He kept right on at it. "Is it not the custom on Earth, to discontinue wearing a wedding ring, once you are divorced?"
"Yeeeesss," I supplied, unhelpfully; looking down. "That is correct."
"Then why did you continue to wear--"
"Who cares?! It's nobody's business!" I had thrown that back at him rather abruptly. He stared at me. "Sorry," I muttered. "Some things are… difficult… for me to discuss."
"Then I shall ask you about something else."
My hand hit the desk in frustration. "No. Spock. You know what? Ask away. Ask me anything you want." I gestured wildly at him. He wasn't going to get away now. After what he'd started. I was going to finish it. "Well? Go ahead. You want to know more about me. Go on, Spock!" Now, I glared at him. Challenging him. Finish it!
"Not if it causes you such grave distress."
"No," I said, very delibretly. "I said it's fine. Alright Spock? Ask away." He hesitated. " Ask me, dammit."
"Thank you, Leonard. I am... however… curious about something else."
"What is it?"
"I am intrigued by the concept of a Terran divorce. A dissolution after you are already married. On my planet that concept does not exist."
"So what happens on Vulcan, if say, one spouse is unfaithful to the other?"
"On Vulcan, that does not happen. Once we are bonded there is no other. Ever. We can divorce our betrothed during the Kun-ut-Kalifee before the actual marriage ceremony. Not after."
"I see." I decided to just come on out with it. "Well, the concept of being unfaithful to your spouse is very common on Earth." I took a bite of a piece of fruit. The juice of it dripped a little down my face and to my astonishment Spock leaned over the desk and wiped the juice off my face with his hand.
"Did such an occurance happen to you?" he asked.
I shrugged. Why not. "I caught my wife in bed with another man."
"They were in the midst of copulation?" Only Spock would ask a question like this without batting an eyelash.
"No, Spock. They were in the midst of knitting a blanket." I got a raised eyebrow at that one. "Yes… They were right in the middle of having sex."
"Fascinating. You witnessed this? First-hand?"
"Yes…" I closed my eyes. I told him the story, vaguely at first. Then at his prompting, in more great, gory detail. I had to admit, it felt good to tell someone, unload on someone, finally. About why I'd decided to enter Starfleet. Not even my best friend Jim Kirk knew exactly what had happened. Or if he did, we never talked about it. He knew it was a taboo subject. And as... I had reluctantly relayed the tale to Spock... my voice broke...tears rolled down my face as I stared into the memories. Suddenly Spock's arms were around me, comforting me, as I remembered...
'Jocelyn how could you do this to me? I loved you…
`What did you expect, Leonard? You're a rotten husband…a lousy lover…' she didn't care. I did.
`I'm sorry…'
You fucking loser, you just caught your wife in bed with another man and you're the one who's sorry...
…but I was and I still am…
I couldn't help but weep. In front of Spock. Then it turned into a sob. I wish I could have died. I tried to leave his quarters, but he caught me and held me close for awhile, and I forgot that it was Spock holding me. It just didn't seem like Spock anymore.
Then it was my turn to ask him something. I made sure that it was equally difficult and personal; just to see how he liked having to dredge up the past.
Afterwards, I didn't feel like being alone, so I decided to stay here to sleep, in his quarters.
The next evening, I pulled out a Rune and handed it over.
"'Ak'eiem.'" he read. "To give one a massage."
"A massage?" I tilted my head in confusion. "When are we supposed to have sex?"
Spock also tilted his head, in amusement. "I thought you were adverse to the idea."
"Well I`m not thrilled about it… but if we have to--"
"Not yet," he said. "We do nothing until we are instructed to do so. There is a progression."
"A massage isn't so bad, I guess. Well, which one of us gets it? Both or just one per night? Do we flip for it?"
"Ohhh. Nevermind. It's no fun when I've gotta explain it." I motioned for him to take his tunic off. "Lie down." This was no big deal. I'd performed theraputic massage on the crew thousands of times, even on some rare occasions, on Spock when he'd suffered an injury. Though I'd hoped that this time, it would have been pleasureable for me, instead of having to do all the work, but oh well.
"Leonard," he said. "Let me perform it on you."
"Really?" I grinned. "If you insist." I hopped onto his bunk. Long fingers ran along the silk neckline of my Sickbay smock, then darted down to my hem to pull it up.
I pulled his hand away. "I'll take my own uniform off, thank you."
"Relax, thy`la," he whispered.
"Why do you keep insisting on calling me that?"
"I shall tell you in good time. Relax."
Beads of sweat formed above my lips. Relax he tells me. I wanted to, but I couldn't relax. We'd been sharing a bed for over a week, spending time together exclusively; cuddling even. But I was, to tell the truth, very nervous about him taking my uniform off in this very slow, deliberate way. Stripping me.
It also didn't help that the cabin envions was set back up at the usual Saharan temperature in Spock`s quarters. It had to be-- I had insisted on it-- he had so kindly had been suffering for my benefit, but I was a big boy. I could handle a little heat. Otherwise, eventually, I'd be dealing with a hypothermic Vulcan. However, as I felt the sweat pouring down my face and body, right now, the heat seemed much too oppressive. "Spock...I`m dying in your overheated lair."
"Be quiet." He expertly yanked the satiny blue smock over my head, leaving my black undershirt.
I'd felt that command from that baritone voice as a tingle in my belly and suddenly got achingly hard. But... I didn`t want to be aroused…not right now. I forced my breaths to space evenly to calm myself down. He was amused. Damn Vulcan. I saw the slight smile in his eyes. He either was becoming more expressive around me, or I was just simply becoming more attuned to him. I also had a nagging suspicion he could sense many of my emotions by simply touching me.
"You feel ashamed at being aroused in my presence," he observed.
I was right. "It`s not the appropiate time," I explained. "And if you must know, I'm nervous. I'm not used to being with you-- like this."
"You are not used to me by now? We share a bed. You get aroused when you sleep." Oh he'd noticed, had he?
"That's normal for me. The human body is just checking to see that everything is operational. And once in awhile," I admitted sheepishly. "I might have an erotic dream."
"You appear to have alot of those," he noted.
"Spock, just because I get erections in the night doesn't mean I'm constantly having erotic dreams!"
He didn't answer me and instead pulled off my black t-shirt. I was aware of him intently studying my bare chest. He'd seen me every night in my underwear but this was the first time he'd really...looked. I bashfully glanced down, but my chin was directed back up by a single, long finger. "I wish to remove the rest of your uniform."
"Go ahead," I breathed. Evenly. I sank down onto the bunk, resting on elbows and closing my eyes. I felt my boots come off one by one. He let them drop onto the floor. I felt him unbuckle, then slowly pull down the zipper, then inch down my trousers,pulling them all the way off.
When his hands started on my underwear, my eyes flew open in alarm. "No!"
"Yes," he whispered. "This too."
"Why? Why do I have to be completely nude?" I pushed his hand away from me. "You`re just giving me a massage, right?"
"I would not wish to see or touch another in this way, unless I belonged to them and they belonged to me. And as you belong to me, I wish to see you fully nude," he explained.
Belong to him? That spiked an irrational fear in my stomach. Calm down, Lenny. "But we don't really belong to each other," I protested. "We're just doing this because of the curse."
"We do in fact belong to each other. We performed the ritual of the wine," he insisted.
"Yeah but..."
"It is not a bonding," he said quickly; reading the thought that so obviously shone clearly in my light eyes. Everyone could always tell what I was thinking, not just him. My eyes hid nothing. "This ritual is not as common in contemporary times. It is an ancient rite," he was saying to me.
"Does everything have to come with a goddamned ritual on Vulcan?"
"We take comfort in the logic of rituals. Especially where sexual intercourse is concerned."
I didn't like the way he'd said that. Even as frustrated as I was, the gravity of the eventuality of us engaging in sexual intercourse, made me twitch. "We're only doing each activity, once. Right? I mean, once we do something, that's it. We don't have to repeat the activity. Right?"
"We may if we wish repeat any and all activities, however, we are not obligated to do so. If we do not wish to."
"Well I certainly don't. Do you?"
"No." He slid off my underwear.
"Well, good..." I murmered as I felt the warm air hit my skin. He paused; I was very aware of my body under his examination. I knew I was very thin and bony; I was terribly uncomfortable under his intent gaze. "So, what do you think?"
"Your physique is agreeable," he said.
"What does that mean? Do you like it?"
Oh now. Now he'd done it. Tingling, I was so hard I couldn't stand it. Somebody tells me I have a nice body and I'm putty. My dick pulsed and he stared at it very closely. "See?" I laughed softly, wishing there was a hole I could crawl into. "Sorry, I can't help it."
"You have average sized genitalia for a human?" he asked me.
"Well, yeah..." I chuckled. I wish he would stop looking at me like that. Next thing I know he'll want to touch it.
Actually... I kind of wish he would. Maybe it wouldn't hurt just this once. I guided his hand down.
"I cannot." He pulled his hand away as if burned. "Not yet."
"Ohhhhh," I sighed. I am going to die. "This is going to be a long night."
He continued to clinically observe my cock. "You posess a foreskin?"
"Never seen a human male naked, huh?" I laughed and flipped over onto my stomach. "Just get on with it, Spock. We only have till 2400 to obey this damn Rune."
The next evening, before we read a Rune, we sat down to eat dinner in Spock's quarters which was seemingly becoming our nightly custom.
Spock sat down across from me, saying very softly, "What would you like to eat tonight, Leonard?"
"I don't know. Surprise me." He got up and programmed the food reconsititutor, but glanced back at me. "Something vegetarian, I guess," I muttered. Lately, I'd been eating only vegetarian food as I'd been dining exclusively with Spock. It seemed rude to consume a ham sandwich in his presence while he made do with Plomeek soup. "What are you going to have?"
"Is that all you ever eat?"
He opened a cabinet in the bulkhead that I had never seen before and brought out another bowl of fruit. "These will be safe for you to consume. Non-reconstituted. The only thing I have that is."
"Where'd you get these?"
"I grew them myself."
"Don't you have any peaches or anything?" I joked.
"Yes," I laughed. "Ever heard of a Georgia peach?"
"Yes," he said. "However, I have never eaten one." He studied me with such an intent look that quite frankly to me was unsettling.
"Yeah, big and fuzzy," I joked. "Georgia is well known for it's peaches. You mean to tell me, you came to Georgia as a kid but you never ate a big ripe peach right off the tree?"
"That is correct," he said. He pulled out a large oval shaped fruit, laid it on a wooden board and proceeded to cut it with a sharp knife.
"Well, you are definitely missing out," I snickered, watching him. "One of these days you should grow a peach in that hydroponics lab you're so fond of."
"Perhaps I should," he replied.
I felt increasingly more and more nervous as I continued watching him. Relax McCoy. All he is doing is cutting you a piece of fruit. But he was doing it ever so slowly and methodically. Was he teasing me? He couldn't be. I was becoming aroused again. As he finished, the fruit lay dissected into medium sized pieces on the board. He lay the knife down and held up a piece of fruit. "Would you like a piece, thy`la?"
"Spock--" I began, annoyed once again at the use of the word. Then, I gave in and smiled, awkwardly, "Fine."
He held up the fruit to my mouth so I could take a few bites from it. It was very good; very flavorful and very juicy, of course. I snorted as the abundant juice dripped down my chin. Just like a very ripe Georgia Peach. "Could you please give me something to wipe my mouth with?" I laughed.
He stood up and reached over to wipe my mouth with his own hand. Then he did something that I never thought I'd ever witness, he stuck those fingers into his own mouth to lick the juice. I stared at him, shocked. "What are you doing?"
"This was a fertitility ritual in ancient times," he explained.
"It is not!" I countered. He had a mischevious glint in his eye.
"Indeed it was, Leonard," he said. "Fertility, is the capacity of something to grow and develop."
"I know, what the hell it means. Are you refering to... something between you and I?" He nodded at me. I wasn't sure how to respond to that.
I got a summons to sickbay so I left his quarters.
I walked down the corridor and entered the lift. Suddenly, Jim Kirk bounced in, joining me, before the doors had a chance to swoosh shut. "Hi Bones."
"Oh," I mumbled. "Evening, Jim."
"What have you been up to, Doc?"
"Nothin'. Just headed over to sickbay."
"I see. Well, I've been wondering what Spock`s problem is. He's had the privacy lock on every night for the past couple of weeks."
"Oh, has he? Maybe he`s been meditating."
"He seems to be avoiding me," said the captain.
"Sorry, Jim. I don't know what to tell you."
"Bridge," he ordered to the computer.
"Sickbay," I ordered.
"So Bones," he said as he studied me. "What were you doing on deck five?"
"Just checking up on some ill crewman, Jim. That`s all." I didn't know what business it was of his, or why he was asking me, but I had a right to be on deck five if I wanted to. I hoped my glare let him know that.
"Was it Spock?"
"Why do you ask, Jim?"
"You've got fruit juice stains on your uniform. Pla-sava if I`m not mistaken. The famous blue fruit that stains your teeth blue. When you get to sickbay, look in the mirror."
I shot him a look, got out at the lift, entered the sickbay, looked in the mirror and swore.
"Hi Spock," I muttered as I staggered in. He was in bed. Apparently I had woke him up. Well I had just spent the last twelve hours in the sickbay catching up on reports, then three more in my own quarters tossing and turning.
God, I'm glad I'm here. Somehow a half naked Spock, just woken up, is so damn sexy. Dammit...cut it out Lenny.
"You chimed?" Spock raised a puzzled eyebrow at me. This was a first for me.
"Yeah," I yawned. "Thought I'd be polite." Actually since that nice little episode with Jim, I figured I should chime from now on, just in case. I came over to sit on the bed next to Spock. "Care if I sleep here?" I lay down on the bunk next to him and crashed face first, before he gave me an answer.
"This is becoming redundant," he said. "You may sleep here tonight and every future night. If you wish. You do not need to continually ask my permission."
"Oh…It's just once more. Thanks, but I should really sleep in my own bunk. This is Starfleet not a cruise ship," I muttered; eyes closed. However, I did sleep much better here with Spock. Even after serving in Starfleet fourteen years, I'd never really gotten used to sleeping alone. I was starting to sweat. "God it's hot in here."
"Leonard." Spock reached over to touch me. "You will be too hot in your uniform. Take it off."
"Mmmmmph." I said into the pillow. "I will in a minute."
Spock sat up, then sat me up, and divested me of my satiny sickbay smock, then the black T-shirt. As I fell back down onto the bed, I felt his hands move down my bare chest to the fastening of my trousers. I was used to this by now. It was becoming something of a nightly ritual. As usual he paused and waited for my permission.
"Go ahead," I muttered and fell asleep.
I thrust the Rune out to him. "Well?"
"A'sharen'," he replied. "To kiss."
I gulped. "Oh…"
Well, this was it. Bit by bit, we were finally heading into the big stuff. My breath quickened.
My heart threatening to pound it's way out of my chest, I took a deep breath and stepped toward him. As I inched slowly closer and closer to him and looked into those obsidian eyes, I was determined to give our first officer the best kiss I could ever muster in these trying times. Realistically, it wasn't going to be the greatest kiss, nor was it going to be with the most ideal partner. But hell, with eyes closed, we could get though it.
But Spock had a trick up his sleeve. He held up his two fingers and pressed them against my lips.
As I felt the pads of his fingers on me. I felt an energy move into my mouth, then up my sinus cavity and shoot into my cerebral cortex. Suddenly, reality faded out of existence. A new one faded in. I felt Spock's mouth against mine. Lush... sensual.... exploring. Me.
He melted into me, then pulled away and solidified. Then he melted into him me again. Then again. Then I melted into Spock. It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. Ohhhh. I hadn't thought it would be like this. This wonderful…kissing Spock. Spock. Spock? `I'm… kissing… Spock…' The thought idly danced in my brain.
`What were you expecting…' came a fleeting song like response in my mind. It wasn't a thought, more of another presence with me. I felt the presence intertwining around me. Comforting me. I wasn't afraid. I wasn't alone anymore.
Ohhhh. The intense sensation of pleasure suddenly became too much for me to handle. I forced my eyes open.
Spock was standing in front of me, eyes closed, still with his fingertips tracing my lips. He'd never actually kissed me with his own lips. Fascinating.
Wearing a dopey grin, I swallowed hard and managed to get out, "That's what it's like to kiss a Vulcan, huh?" I was completely and utterly aroused. Not only in the body, my mind was electric. I was shaking.
Spock opened his eyes, and dropped his hand. "We have completed this particular task."
Dumbfounded, I inched a little closer to Spock and put my hands on his arms. "Yes, but…" I wasn't ready to complete this particular task, not in a million years. "Have you ever…kissed with your…" I gestured madly but Spock got the idea.
Looking directly into my eyes, he smiled.
I was delighted in his beautiful little smile. All for me. Suddenly I wanted nothing else in the universe than to kiss Spock. I pulled Spock to me by the chin, slowly closing the distance between us. Gently, I pressed my lips to his. I found Spock's mouth to be at first hard and resisting but I kept going till I felt his lips gradually soften and open up for me. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and let it linger there, tasting him, feeling his tenderly meet mine, tasting me.
The kiss growing deeper and deeper, the world leaving us again; my hands slid around his waist. Weeks worth of pent up passion rared it's head. I backed him into his sleeping alcove and pushed him down onto his bed. The kiss became more insistent and passionate by the minute. I nipped at his mouth. I wanted this. I knew he wanted this too.
His mouth against mine; I felt that word dally in my mind, `thy`la`. Rather than feel afraid of the invasion in my mind, or the word he used, I was thrilled. …lover…that's what he's calling me. A lover.
God, I wanted him so badly. With a groan I started to grind my painful erection into Spock's crotch till he pushed me off of him. "No…"
I rolled over to the side of him and complained bitterly into his neck, "Oh… come on…you fucking tease…" I bit down on his neck for emphasis. My hands dove underneath his uniform to rest on his nice flat warm belly. My fingers slid underneath his trousers. I wanted to explore every inch of him.
"We can go no further until we are instructed to do so. Forgive me." He pulled my hands out from his trousers and held me away from him at arms length.
Undaunted, I picked his hand up from my shoulder; kissing his wrist.
I slid his forefinger into my mouth, tasting his wonderfully warm digit. I proceded to suck on every one of his warm, long fingers, one at a time. He stared at me in wonder as I did so. I wanted to taste every part of him, but this is all I could have for now. "Spock…come on...I feel like a teenage boy trying to go all the way with his date."
"All the way?" He pulled his hand out of my mouth.
"Yes. Don't tell me you don't know what that means." I pulled Spock on top of me and into another kiss, moaning softly as I did so. Oh, now I could feel him against me; he was hard too. Oh my god...
And, then, of course I heard the annoying summons of the bosun`s whistle. The bane of my existence.
"Audio only," Spock called out, nearly with a gasp. "Spock here."
"Sickbay summons for Doctor McCoy, sir." Well, well, well, Mr. Connors was back on duty and they knew where I was. How'd they know where I was?
"Emergency?" I said softly.
"No sir. Doctor M`Benga is on board ready to meet with you."
"Oh…perfect timing." I groaned inwardly. "I'll see him in...twenty minutes, McCoy out." I reached over to snap the viewer next to the bed to off and turned to Spock. "You ordered audio only. Somebody is going to suspect something."
He shrugged. "They already do."
"Well fine if you`re not concerned about it. Then, neither am I, Spock." I flashed him a mischevious grin. "It only takes me three minutes to get from deck five to sickbay, which leaves us approximately seventeen minutes to make-out like a couple of human teenagers."
I smiled and pushed him up against the bulkhead. "My…thy'la."
END OF PART 3 (Stay tuned for Part 4!)
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