Title: The Rhapsody
Author: T'Prillah
Codes: S/Mc, Mc/f, S/Mc/f (implied)
Rating: NC-17, non-con, threesome
Time: Star Trek, TOS, towards the end of the Five Year Mission.
Summary: McCoy finds himself accidentally bonded to a strange woman. Spock takes McCoy to Vulcan to break the bond...but things are never that easy. Their luck just keeps getting worse and worse.
Beta: TEMPEST (thank you!); all errors are my own, an additional thank you goes to Ellen, for her helpful feedback regarding content. I took that feedback and rewrote parts of this story hopefully for the better.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to Tempest for: 'Ka'athaira'. The character of 'Sorel' comes from 'The Vulcan Academy Murders' by Jean Lorrah.
"Why the hell am I wearing my robe?" Lying on a sickbay bio-bed, McCoy stared up though a haze.
"What is your name?"
"Tell me your name, rank and serial ," the voice demanded.
"It's uh...it's uh...uh...McCoy. Leonard, H...my uh...I'm Chief Medical Officer; USS Enterprise...right?"
"Do you remember what has happened to you?"
"I've been in sickbay all evening, working, why?" McCoy struggled for his vision to clear.
"Incorrect. What time is it?"
The doctor narrowed his eyes. The face of Spock standing over him, finally materialized into view. "What time is it? You don't know the ship's time with that internal computer you call a brain? Well, the last time I checked it was 2100 hours." He worked his jaw and felt a buzzing all over his body, right down to his fingertips.
"You are mistaken. Listen to the ship's bells. It is not 2100. It is 0810. The next morning."
Unease spread to the pit of McCoy's stomach as he propped himself up on his elbows. "It’s the next day? Why am I missing a whole--Am I concussive? How about filling me in Mister Spock?"
Spock cleared his throat in an imitation of McCoy. "I do not know whether you will believe this or not, Doctor. I caught you, as you would say: 'en flagrante delicto' with the passenger we are carrying."
That was the most ridiculous thing in the universe McCoy had ever heard. Spock couldn't possibly know what he was talking about. "En flagrante delicto? That means caught in the act of sex, Spock."
"I know what it means, Doctor McCoy."
"But that's crazy. With the half-Vulcan, half-Deltan woman?" A chuckle escaped McCoy's lips.
"You do not remember?"
"No! What the hell are you talking about? Where was I supposedly engaged in this? Here?"
"In your quarters."
"Well then, tell me, how'd I get back to sickbay?"
"I pulled you off of her, got you out of your quarters and brought you here."
It had to be a joke. He'd probably just blacked out, hit his head somehow and now Spock was giving him a hard time about it. McCoy couldn't help himself and giggled madly till he was in hysterics; slapping his hand against the pad of the diagnostic bed. "Good one, Spock. You had me going there."
"Doctor, I am absolutely serious."
"This is ridiculous. I'm getting up...wait a minute...my god," McCoy said as every muscle in his body warned against his rising up. "I feel like I've been in a shuttlecraft accident." He hopped down, touching bare feet to the deck and staggered, holding onto the side of the bed for dear life. As he tried to walk, the deck did a flip flung himself face forward unto the bed and grasped onto it for dear life. "Jesus! What the hell is wrong with me?!" he gasped. "Are you sure I didn’t hit my head?"
"Doctor you are in serious trouble. I have something to tell you," Spock's far away voice through McCoy's haze sounded insistent as he dropped the bombshell: "You are bonded to her."
McCoy shook his head. "To who?"
"To our one you were caught in bed with," Spockrepeated patiently. "You are bonded."
"What?!," came the suddenly frightened, muffled response into the bed as McCoy struggled to process it. Somehow he knew, maybe bythe the tone of Spock's voice. This wasn't a joke. "What do you mean, bonded? Bonded as in...bonded? Like you were to T’Pring? As in: I'm married to her...Vulcan style?"
"Yes, you are... married to her."
It was too much for McCoy to deal with. "No...that can't be. You must be mistaken. I can't be bonded."
"Doctor McCoy. Listen to me. I can sense the bond. Very strongly... I might add. As you are well aware, I am telepathic."
"I'm going to be sick Spock. Help me up. I want to go to the toilet." Spock nodded and pulledhim to a standing position. He supportedMcCoy as he wavered andwalkedthe hapless doctor to the W.C.
As Spock watched, (and McCoy was beyond caring about that fact) the doctor knelt at the toilet and proceeded to lose everything he'd ever eaten or drank in the past three days. The dry heaves set in, pushing him to convusions and finally leaving him gasping in pain.
Finally it was finished. McCoy sank down, shattered, to a fetal position on the deck against the toilet, and felt the welcoming coldness of the deck against his face.
As he did so, he could feel a bizarre sensation in his mind. Something that moved the other way, when he moved one way. A scatter of fleeting alien emotions flooded him. He could hear a faint buzzing…Tinnitus? Or did he feel it?...he could not ascertain which. The nearest thing he could compare it to was an insect flying in his head. Fluttering, like a butterfly. Whatever it was it was making him dizzy, like nothing else ever had.
McCoy lifted his head up a few centimeters, and felt the deck spin over after a delayed second, then felt it flip over a little too far. He overcompensated the other way and realized that was a very bad idea. Finally helet his head loll back onto the deck andlooked straight up at the upside down figure of Spock.
"I can feel something…is that her?" McCoy breathed in sharply. He put his hands to his temples. Spock nodded down at him. Weak and unable to believe what was happening, McCoy repeated in dismay: "Oh my God. I can feel her floating around in my head!"
Spock pulled the ailing CMO off the deck, carried him through the Sickbay and laid him back onto the diagnostic bio-bed. As he did so Nurse Chapel poked her head in.
"Doctor McCoy you’re here! Is everything all--"
"Get out of here!" McCoy screamed.
Spock laid a hand on the doctor to calm him down. He jerked his head sharply at the panicked nurse. She took one look at the pair and fled.
"How'd this happen?" McCoy moaned. "I know a few things about Vulcans and in no way, shape, or form did I consent to bond with anyone!"
"That is apparent. However, you know absolutely nothing about this hybrid woman's chemical make-up."
"I examined her in sickbay--I think--I don't know--"
"This woman," Spock interrrupted gently, "has seduced you with Deltan pheromones and bonded with you as a Vulcan female would."
"How is it possible to bond with me against my will?"
"A Vulcan female’s psycho-physiological makeup is quite different than a male's," Spock explained. "A Vulcan female, even presumably a hybrid such as she, will form a psychic bond with a partner after sexual intercourse. Unbonded Vulcan females are celibate for this very reason."
"I'm absolutely stunned..." McCoy muttered, eyes closed. "I need--gimme-- a glass of water. And while you're over there…2 cc’s Althmazine."
"Spock nodded and fetched him what he asked, handing him the water and pressing the hypo against his skin. "That is not all, Doctor."
"No?" The doctor's voice was pure anguish as he sipped. "More bad news?"
"I do not wish to further alarm you, however, a forced and unprepared bonding with a stranger is a very serious situation for you to be in."
"No kidding..." McCoy sipped more water, grateful for it's soothing coolness. "Understatement of the year..."
"I am concerned with your functioning capabilities. You are in now in danger of not being able to complete your assigned duties. You are now compromising the ship's security. The woman will be able to access the ships medical records, science records, sensitive information and classified information."
McCoy swallowed hard. Shit. As he lay back on the bed, he suddenly felt a tingle in his groin and an insistent droning in his head. He wanted...something... he wanted...what? and he wanted it now. "Spock," he said. "Something very strange is happening."
"I feel really…You aren't going to believe this but I really, really want to...have sex with her, right now. The thoughts are consuming me. I can't help it."
McCoy felt the stirrings of an erection, and he covered his crotch with his hands and thought of the role of Bacillus Anthracis spore structures in macrophage cytokine responses...and felt himself calm down. That was more like it...anything to keep the sexual thoughts away.
The sexualthoughts immediately returned.
Spock raised his eyebrow at McCoy suddenly grabbing his crotch. "Last night you examined her in Sickbay. Try to remember. Was there a duty nurse here with you last night?"
McCoy tried to focus. "I remember now. Nope, just me on night watch! After she was beamed aboard, I was supposed to give her a physical. And, I started to, but, I couldn‘t resist escorting her to my quarters...and, once there, I took her... like an animal..." McCoy trailed off, disgusted with himself. He felt his penis become rock hard.
The doctor gave the Vulcan a sharp look. "Yeah, I guess so. Why?"
"Pon farr," said Spock suddenly. "You are exhibiting similar signs. I can sense it in you."
"WHAT?!" McCoy gazed over at the Vulcan, horror-struck, then barked out a nervous, high pitched laugh. "I'm in… pon farr? But... I'm...not a Vulcan...I'm human. That's absolutely ridiculous."
"This is not a true pon farr, but it is a condition very similar to it. Your scent is different than normal."
"Flip the scanner on," McCoy commanded. "What does it say?"
"Elevated testosterone and adrenalin levels. It seems to confirm my suspicions. The only logical answer is because you are bonded to a half-Vulcan female you will respond like a Vulcan male to her. However, because of the Deltan pheromones compounding the situation you might be trapped in this way continually, instead of in a seven-year cycle."
The anti-nausea/anti-dizzyness drug kicking in, McCoy found himself at last able to attempt to sit up. He sat up with difficultly, waved off Spock’s attempt to help; he was determined to do this on his own. He swung his legs down and stood on the deck. He was still a little shaky, but this was much better.
He thought for a moment, wondering if he should also take something to counteract the adrenalin in his system, but ultimately decided against it. However, there was something he needed. He stumbled over to the set of hyposprays and found an ampoule to treat sexually transmitted diseases. He snapped it in and shot himself in the hip with it. The drug stung. He grimaced as it entered his bloodstream.
"We have to get her out of your quarters, however, I am at a loss as to how we will get her to the brig without affecting another member of the crew," Spock was saying, as he followed McCoy through the sickbay.
"What about an all female security detail?" McCoy suggested.
"Negative. Her pheromones willaffect women equally strongly."
"Oh..." McCoy smiled at that visual.
"Who was present in the transporter room when she beamed aboard?" asked Spock.
"Just Jim and myself."
"No one else?"
"No I don't think so. Where were you?"
"I was off duty, Doctor. Do you not remember?"
"Oh, yeah... now I remember. Well, you're a Vulcan. Surely you can control your sexual impulses enough to put her into the brig!" McCoy found himself snapping back at him. He felt so much on edge, he felt like strangling somebody, anybody.
He looked at his hands and found they were shaking.
"As you are so fond of reminding me; I'm half human. Whilst I would not bond with her as she is now already bonded to you, the pheromones are affecting my olfactory glands as well. When I went to rescue you, it took everything for me not to...join in with you. I will not be able to resist upon further contact with her."
McCoy laughed faintly. "You nearly joined in? Yeah right. That would have been interesting. Actually why not? It might be fun. We could still do it…come on Spock.” His expression changed to one of deadly seriousness.
Spock said nothing, finally glanced at McCoy and shook his head in disgust.
"You can‘t have her, she‘s mine! I‘ll kill you if you touch her!" McCoy suddenly yelled, then caught himself. Embarrassed. "Sorry... it must be the pon farr,” he said sheepishly. Not knowing what else to do but shrug and laugh. "Well, I definitely can't escort her to the brig." He sank down into a chair, defeated.
"I am a fool for not quickly realizing what would happen if somebody were to be in close quarters with her. I should have warned the captainbeforehe beamed her aboard," said Spock, closing his fist.
"You were off duty. I should have looked up the file on Deltans, before her exam."
"As you are often fond of saying, Doctor: 'Hindsight is always twenty/twenty.'"
"I never say that!" McCoy huffed, then suddenly stood up. "I just thought of something. I'm able to impregnate her. Right?"
"You are not on a contraceptive schedule?"
"No! What the hell would I need the shots for? I haven't been with a woman in years. Who the hell do you think I am, Jim Kirk? You don't think--"
"Vulcan women are always fertile. It is possible for a human to impregnate her. However since she is half-Deltan she may very well be using a contraceptive. Were you not able to ascertain this in your physical exam?"
"I hadn't gotten that far," mumbled McCoy. "Spock, We have to undo this, I can’t stay in this condition. Can you break the bond?"
"I cannot. I tried whilst you were unconsious. It is too strong."
McCoy gulped. "Can it even be broken?"
"Affirmative Doctor. An accidental or forced bonding can be broken by a Vulcan priestess of sufficient ability. That is...assuming we make it to Vulcan on time."
"This has a time limit?"
"Correct," Spock replied. "The longer you remain in this bonded state, the more difficult it will be to undo. Eventually it will be impossible."
"Oh," said McCoy, glumly. "A Vulcan divorce. Painful?"
"Painful," agreed Spock.
"Well anything’s better than what I’m going through right now." McCoy shifted uncomfortably. "How are we gonna break this to Jim?"
"He already has been apprised of the situation. He shall return here, shortly."
McCoy sighed. "Wonderful."
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