Author: T'Prillah
Codes: TOS, S/Mc, Mc/f
Rating: NC-17
"Of all the reckless and stupid things to get yourself into, Bones!" fumed Captain James T. Kirk as he paced the sickbay deck. "Why are you always thinking with your goddamned glands?"
"Me?!" McCoy shouted, then backed down at Kirk’s glare and shook his head ruefully and laughed. "Dammit, I did get myself into it bad this time."
"I’ll say--"
"Captain," interrupted Spock. "This could have happened to anyone in the crew. Especially you. I seem to recall, that you yourself had quite a reaction to her."
"Alright, Spock, let’s not bring that up," said the captain, amused that the Vulcan had noticed.
He flipped the sickbay viewer to 'on'. "Kirk to occupant in CF-127, acknowledge." There was no response in McCoy's quarters. "Have you overridden McCoy's doorlock voice-print so she can't escape?"
"Affirmative. I did so immediately after I discovered him."
Kirk flipped another switch. "Kirk to Bridge."
"Chekov here, sair."
"Ready Galileo II to depart immediately."
"Jim," nudged McCoy. "Can't we leave tonight? I can hardly see straight. I need to sleep. I can't sleep on that damned shuttlecraft."
Kirk looked over at Spock. "Is it safe to delay a few hours?"
The Vulcan nodded. "Yes, however, the sooner we leave the better."
"Belay that order Chekov, ready it to depart at 1800 hours." Kirk flipped the viewer button to 'off' and turned to the doctor. "I would have thought you’d wanted to leave now, Bones."
"Sure I do...Jim...but...a few hours won‘t hurt. Right?"
Kirk glanced the doctor quizzically and turned to Spock. "Do you need to take her with you?"
"No Sir. The bond can be broken without her presence," said Spock.
"Good. She and that one-man disabled ship we're towing of hers will be taken to the nearest star base and turned over to the prison authorities. Her ships registry checks out: Deltan. Her story when she beamed aboard seemed to check out, also. But are you sure she's a Vulcan and not something else? Like a Half-Romulan?"
"She's a Vulcan and a Deltan, just like she claims," sighed McCoy. "I know that from the physical exam, not from the bond."
Spock quickly pulled the captain aside, nodded towards the doctor and said quietly: "Captain we must exercise caution, she will know what we are saying though McCoy."
"He is a security risk, whatever he hears or sees, she will know. He cannot hide anything from her."
"Yeah, but why would a Vulcan do this to someone? I don't understand."
"Apparently her natural proclivities are led by Deltan sexually aggressive behavior patterns. And, it is logical to assume she was fully aware of what would happen when she mated with a human."
"Bones," Kirk stalked back to the CMO and demanded: "What does she want from us?"
"I don't know," stammered McCoy.
"You can't or you won't tell us?" Kirk suspiciously regarded the man.
"Jim," said Spock. "She would be able to block some of McCoy's access to her own mind."
"Are you gonna throw me in the brig, Jim?"
Kirk glared at the CMO. "No, but lord knows I should. You're on report, Doctor McCoy. But, I'll just have you watched till you two depart."
"It's a good thing she's not coming with us," said McCoy, glumly. "If we did have to bring her along, I'd just want to do her the whole way over to Vulcan."
"Bones!" Kirk shook his head.
"That would be, unfortunately, quite true," agreed Spock.
Snapping his fingers, Kirk said, "Uniform. He's out of uniform. Bones, I'm not having you wandering around," he eyed the doctor's pale legs warily, “wearing nothing but your robe. Got any sickbay tunics and trousers stowed here you can wear?"
"No, not really. All my gear is in my quarters. Even my off-duty clothing."
"Nothing? Nothing here in the sickbay you could wear?"
"No, Jim."
Kirk sighed and looked at the Vulcan. "Spock?"
"Doctor McCoy and I wear the exact same size, so I've already summoned Nurse Chapel to retrieve a complete set from my quarters."
"How 'bout that Bones," said the captain, forcing himself to smile. "You get an instant temporary promotion to full commander for your trouble."
"Humph. And where, pray tell, am I going to sleep?" McCoy wanted to know. "I'm exhausted, but the Sickbay beds hurt my back and I can’t sleep in my quarters if she's in there."
"Well, you certainly wouldn‘t be sleeping."
"That's not very funny, Jim."
"Well, Spock and I are on duty for two more hours. Stay here with Doctor M'Benga for awhile. And don’t you dare touch the nurses!"
"God dammit Jim..."
"Then, later, if you're feeling okay, you can bunk with Spock, that way he can keep an eye on you."
McCoy rolled his eyes, "Oh, well, that'll be comfy." But secretly he was very glad about that.
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